Friday, March 25, 2011

Moroccan Land Feast

There comes a time in every great breakfast makers life when the thought of exasperating his creative culinary juices in the early hours of the morning sound less than appetizing. This may look bad, or even pathetic, being our second day of posting and all, but I assure you eager reader that the many months leading up to the creation of this blog, we were going strong. Perhaps much too strong. So strong in fact that we had to seek out a local egg hookup supplier because the amount of eggs we were buying on a weekly bases was not only hurting our wallets, but exhausting the GEed factory farmed chickens west of the Mississippi. Perhaps this was our subconscious reasoning for why today we chose such a simple, yet hearty meal to start our pathetically awesome day out with. Or maybe because we weren't hungover and craving something to soak up all that alcohol. Whatever the correct reasoning is, the breakfast turned out great.
The main entree being steel cut oats intermingling with walnuts, raisins, prunes, and three chocolate chips, toped off with a splash of milk. Accompanying this dish was a side of tamales, both chicken and pork, purchased yesterday at the new Mexican Bakery on the corner of 13th and Farroll. $1.00 out the door for these freshly made bad boys. Obviously these tamales were soaked in a bath of Valentina's hot sauce (black label), and with 3 cups of coffee to wash it all down, the simple mans breakfast wasn't so bad after all...

Music: "Sweet Child of Mine", Guns-N-Roses played off 104.1 Pirate Radio
Drink: Vinegar H20 and Coffee- Fair Trade Bitch Breakfast Blend

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